Equal Opportunities
Equal Opportunities
Top Talent is committed to equal opportunities. Firstly, we believe the organisation should reflect the multi-racial and multi-cultural society we live in. As an organisation, we are committed to promoting genuine equal opportunities. We also aim to provide services which positively challenge discrimination and promote equal rights.
Although the overall responsibility for achieving, promoting and providing equal opportunities rest with Top Talent, each individual within the organisation has a responsibility to identify and highlight areas of discrimination or oppression, which will result in equal rights being denied.
The reasons for a written policy are:
To ensure all individuals within the organisation are aware of the existence of the policy.
To ensure all employees and service users are aware of their rights and responsibilities.
To provide a framework for training in implementing the equal opportunity policy.
To provide a framework against which to monitor the performance of Top Talent.
Equal opportunities in employment statement
Top Talent will ensure all employees receive equal consideration and are committed to the elimination of unlawful or unfair discrimination on the grounds of gender, race, disability, colour, ethnic and national origin, nationality, sexuality, marital status, responsibility to dependants, religion, and trade union activities.